Going through health problems and want to stay fit?

We all go through challenging times with our fitness.  Whether it is from illness, injury, life stress, or pregnancy, these times challenge us not only physically, but mentally as well.  I know how instantly my mood can change if I am not able to do exactly what I want to do. Instead of giving up or making any more excuses, here are a few helpful tips.

Listen to your body, but try to find ways to work around your injury or sickness.  If you can’t run, try walking, biking, the elliptical, yoga, weight lifting, or even just stretching.  Try to keep your body moving to bolster both a healthy mind and body.

Remind yourself this is temporary.  It can be extremely frustrating and depressing to not be able to move the way you want.  This is a mental game.  However, if you push yourself too early, your chances of a longer setback is high.

Seek advice from a professional.  Personal trainers, sports trainers, physical therapists, chiropractors, and massage therapists are all examples of professionals who know the body and can help you work with or around your health issues.

Most of all, don’t quit or give up.  It was a habit to start your healthy lifestyle and it is also a habit to not have a healthy lifestyle at all.  All your former hard work is not worth losing!

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