Corporate Wellness Programming

Danielle has experience working with small businesses to large corporations. She has a passion for helping employers improve the wellness of their employees.

We all know how important employee wellness is! We also know that whatever happens at work has an impact on a person’s mental health, well-being and wellness. Employees spend half of their life at work and need the support from their companies.

Workplace wellness lowers health care costs, decreases sick days, improves productive and creativity, and increases engagement.

There is no “one size fits all” program for all businesses. We will work together to create a health and wellness program that fits the needs of your business!

Available Services

  • Health Coaching
  • Individualized Fitness Routines
  • Nutrition Counseling
  • Stretching Programs
  • Work Conditioning
  • Shop Talks
  • Fitness Classes
  • Lunch and Learns
  • Wellness Events
  • Newsletters
  • Webinars